Lifestyle disease PCOD/PCOS: Treat Naturally

One out of 10 women in India faces PCOD or PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Disease or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) which has now turned into a worldwide problem. According to the American Society of Reproduction, a woman is said to have PCOD if she has any 2 of the following:

  1. Appearance of polycystic ovaries in sonography
  2. Unwanted facial hair/acne and Increased level of androgen, testosterone, DHA in our blood
  3. Delay in MC (mensuration cycle)

Before going to the cure we first need to know what PCOD/PCOS is, what is the basic difference and why do most of the young ladies suffer from it.

PCOD and PCOS are used interchangeably. PCOD means a person having polycystic ovaries where ovaries release a lot of immature or partially mature eggs which eventually turns into cysts that are found on ultrasound whereas; PCOS is the syndrome around it i.e. a club of problems such as weight gain, acne, male pattern hair growth, irregular periods, mood swings, depression, etc. In PCOS the androgen production gets higher than usual that interferes with the production and the release of the egg. PCOS is a serious metabolic disorder whereas PCOD is not considered to be truly a disease as it can be cured by following a healthy lifestyle.

The exact cause of PCOD is still unknown. However, it has been found to be genetic. Latter on some complications like diabetes, infertility, and after a long time endometrial cancer can occur due to PCOS. But there’s nothing to worry about as it is a lifestyle disease. PCOS’s prevalence has increased due to our sedentary lifestyle so, it is a correctable problem and we can modify our lifestyle to revert it. A PCOS patient doesn't need to suffer from diabetes and infertility too.

In the correction of lifestyle, Diet plays a vital role. We need to try to avoid processed food and consume fibers, salads, vegetables, and other foods that provide enough fibers, vitamins, and nutrition to the body. Along with these, we can also have brown rice, oats, and ragi.

A healthy lifestyle doesn’t only mean proper dieting; it also includes exercise and a night of good sleep. We should include at least 30 minutes of workouts per day in our lifestyle. It can be cardio, dancing, or just walking. The sleep hygiene has a very important role to play. One suffering from PCOS must have a minimum of 7 hours of sleep at night and try to avoid the use of a mobile phone while sleeping. We should try to maintain a nice calm environment when we are going to sleep as it will give the body some time to repair and the stress level will also decrease which is very important for PCOS.

Other than these PCOS is something we ladies need to consult our gynecologist for, as the treatment is individual and not the same for everyone. The treatment varies based on age, symptoms, and problems. Most importantly no medicine is to be taken without consulting a physician as it could be very dangerous.


  1. Thanks for the helpful blog. PCOS/PCOD is common in India. It's best to see best Gynaecologist to control it and avoid future problems.

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