Spondylitis: Deal with care and proper Diet

Does your back or neck hurt? Have swelling? - These might indicate Spondylitis. There are different types of Spondylitis classified based on their symptoms and problematic body parts. It mainly affects our bones, and the nervous system and might lead to paralysis so it should be treated at an early stage. The below symptoms may indicate Spondylitis: Lower back pain Hip joint pain Neck pain Pain in hands, fingers, wrists, elbows, shoulders, feet Joint pains Buttock pain Heel pain Stiffness Swelling Eye inflammation Skin rashes Weight loss Stomach pain Blood in bowel movement Naisia Dasiness etc. Most people suffer from Cervical and Lumbar Spondylitis. While in pain one should never exercise as it increases the pain and make the situation of Spondylitis even more worse. The patient must consult an orthopedic doctor, physiotherapist, and neuro specialist if needed. The bedding of the patient should not be too soft or too hard. The patient must maintain a proper posture while sleeping, sit...