Why to Go For Indian Food?

Indian cuisine recipes consist of a huge variety of regional and traditional cuisines that are native to the Indian subcontinent. Depending upon the huge range of diversity in soil type, climate, culture, ethnic groups, and occupations, Indian cuisine recipes vary substantially from each other and use spices, herbs, vegetables, and fruits that are locally available. Indian food is also heavily influenced in particular by the Hindu religion, cultural choices, and traditions. The Indian dishes are also influenced by centuries of Islamic rule, especially the Mughals. Samosas and pilafs can be a good example.
It is no secret that the Indian vegetarian recipes are so delicious because the vegan recipes involve essential spices, which are the soul of the Indian cookbook. Whether it is a simple Indian food recipe or traditional Indian food, the use of some type of spice is almost guaranteed. Spices are used to flavor Indian food not just to make them hot. Among numerous spices used in Indian cooking recipes, the following are some essential to my Indian cookbook:
Coriander Powder: We use coriander leases and seeds in almost all our Indian dishes to garnish them and also we incorporate the spice in all delicacies. Being one of the common spices used in all the Indian food recipes, coriander provides a delicious taste to all the Indian cuisine recipes. It also improves digestion, lowers cholesterol, treats diabetics and also improves the hair and skin quality.
Whole Spice Mix (Garam Masala):  Although garam masala is added to almost every Indian dish to give them flavor, it also has several health benefits. It has different Indian recipes across the households mainly including cloves, cumin, bay leaves, peppercorn, and cardamom. It boosts digestion and relieves flatulence and bloating. This Indian cuisine spice is full of antioxidants which help in preventing skin problems and also help fight inflammation.
Turmeric Powder: Turmeric is known as the main spice in curry recipe. Curcumin and other chemicals in turmeric decreases swelling (inflammation) and also reduce the depression symptoms in people. 
Green Cardamom (Hari Elaichi): This spice is originated in India but is available worldwide today and used in both Indian sweet and savory Indian dishes.  Cardamom is helpful to people with high blood pressure due to its antioxidant and diuretic properties and also helps protect cells from damage and slows down and prevents inflammation in your body. It is often used to treat bad breath and prevent cavities.
Cumin Powder (Jeera Powder): In many Indian dishes cumin is used as it lends its distinctive flavor to chili and various Indian foods.  It reduces the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and its antioxidants stabilize free radicals that cause inflammation and damage DNA and also improve blood sugar control.
 Red Chili Powder: It provides some carbs and offers a small amount of protein and fiber. It also contains vitamin C, vitamin K1, vitamin B6, vitamin A, copper, and potassium.


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