
Mustard Oil: Which Indian brand is safer to consume?

According to most studies, Mustard oil is one of the best Indian cooking oils as it contains minerals and vitamins (vitamin K, vitamin E, and vitamin A). It is considered to be the healthiest when collected at its first cold press due to its high smoke point (crucial for Indian cooking methods) and nutritional advantages that promote digestion and increase appetite. Many Indian brands claim their mustard oil to have a strong pungent aroma, and sharp and spicy taste proving its purity. Adulteration with argemone oil or other low-quality oils in mustard oil is widespread and has adverse health effects like vomiting, swelling, nausea, diarrhea, breathlessness, etc. Sometimes Synthetic colors are also added to give it a naturally tempting look. Most of us have no idea about the parameters like cold press, iodine value, or acid value of any oil that determines the quality of the oil. Cold press or Kachi Ghani is a process of extracting oil without using toxic heat or chemical Solvents....

Spondylitis: Deal with care and proper Diet

Does your back or neck hurt? Have swelling? - These might indicate Spondylitis. There are different types of Spondylitis classified based on their symptoms and problematic body parts. It mainly affects our bones, and the nervous system and might lead to paralysis so it should be treated at an early stage. The below symptoms may indicate Spondylitis: Lower back pain Hip joint pain Neck pain Pain in hands, fingers, wrists, elbows, shoulders, feet Joint pains Buttock pain Heel pain Stiffness Swelling Eye inflammation Skin rashes Weight loss Stomach pain Blood in bowel movement Naisia Dasiness etc. Most people suffer from Cervical and Lumbar Spondylitis. While in pain one should never exercise as it increases the pain and make the situation of Spondylitis even more worse. The patient must consult an orthopedic doctor, physiotherapist, and neuro specialist if needed. The bedding of the patient should not be too soft or too hard. The patient must maintain a proper posture while sleeping, sit...

Are ripened fruits deadly?

We all love eating ripped fruits like bananas and mangoes but are they still safe and healthy that they should be? This becomes a big question when the sellers serve the massive demand of ripe mangoes even if it’s not the season. Fruits ripe naturally due to ethylene, the ripping agent which makes the fruit nutritious and healthy. But nowadays sellers are opting for another way to cater to the increasing demand i.e. the use of calcium carbide (CaC2) as when it comes in contact with moisture, it produces acetylene which acts like that of a ripping agent. Calcium carbide is very harmful to our health as it contains the traces of arsenic and phosphorous and the acetylene gas may affect our neurological system as well. Consumption of these harmful chemicals may cause poisoning resulting in vomiting, diarrhea, ulcer, eye damage, shortness of breath, and cancer as well which unlocks the real fear.        FSSAI has banned using calcium carbide in foods under th...

Lifestyle disease PCOD/PCOS: Treat Naturally

One out of 10 women in India faces PCOD or PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Disease or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) which has now turned into a worldwide problem. According to the American Society of Reproduction , a woman is said to have PCOD if she has any 2 of the following: Appearance of polycystic ovaries in sonography Unwanted facial hair/acne and Increased level of androgen, testosterone, DHA in our blood Delay in MC (mensuration cycle) Before going to the cure we first need to know what PCOD/PCOS is, what is the basic difference and why do most of the young ladies suffer from it. PCOD and PCOS are used interchangeably. PCOD means a person having polycystic ovaries where ovaries release a lot of immature or partially mature eggs which eventually turns into cysts that are found on ultrasound whereas; PCOS is the syndrome around it i.e. a club of problems such as weight gain , acne , male pattern hair growth , irregular periods , mood swings , depression , etc. In PCOS the androgen pr...

Healthy lifestyle: A shield to COVID-19

 It’s the time of stress and uncertainty which makes it easy to fall into bad health habits . This can make our immunity system weak which makes it easier to get COVID infected. Insecurity of jobs, uncertain future, and social media floods increases our anxiety to which stress is a normal response leading to sleep and eating disorders, low motivation and also might lead to the change of use alcohol, drugs , and other addictions. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle makes an invisible shield around us and helps to fight against not only COVID but also many other diseases. Both mental and physical health is important to deal with any kind of difficulties which can only be gained by following healthy lifestyle habits . We all have our own lifestyle choices . Wearing makeup, going to the salon or gym daily, wearing costly dresses, going to 5star restaurants and pubs, owning expensive gadgets and pieces of jewelry are not indications of a healthy or happening lifestyle.  Below are s...

Alcohol: Drug or Poison? Can alcohol consumption prevent corona?

Is alcohol consumption safe and healthy? To most of us, it is obvious that alcohol beverages are not healthy drinks. But an occasional drink is just fine who live a healthy lifestyle only if it’s known that what is in the bottle, glass or can. Not all selling alcohol beverages are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or the Food and Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI). Getting Hangover headache around 12 hours after alcohol consumption? Well, it’s because when you consume alcohol, it goes into your bloodstream which increases the Blood-Alcohol Concentration (BAC). The higher the BAC level, the more you get intoxicated, and when you stop drinking, not always the BAC level drops. When the BAC level drops the minimum, the hangover symptoms are at their worst. This might cause headaches, dizziness, dry mouth, thirsty, shaky, nausea, and feel tired or sensitive to light and sound. How is Alcohol responsible for Headache? The chemicals Tyramine and ...

Are you immune to cancer? Are food colors really safe?

  Artificial food colors are accountable for the bright and attractive colors of toffees, candies, sports drinks, and other baked foods . They are also used in life-saving drugs . According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), children are the biggest consumers of food colors. There are claims of serious side effects of allergies and cancer due to the usage of artificial food colors but a substance is safe until proven harmful . The safety of using artificial food color has many conflicting options and the topic is highly controversial . This article is not only about separating the fact from fiction but the main motto is ‘ Eat Healthy Stay Healthy ’. To understand the effect of food colors on health, we need to know what food color is. They are chemical substances that were developed to enhance the appearance of food and make them more tempting. The first artificial food colors were made from coal tars but nowadays they are made from petroleum .  Hundreds o...