Coronavirus : Anti-viral Indian foods to build immunity and keep diseases away

With the huge cases of Coronavirus in India, the focus remains on the treatment as well as on the prevention of the deadly virus which is said to have its origin from a seafood market in China's Wuhan. The current situation is warning that it’s not enough just to follow the basic hygienic guidelines but it’s also important to boost the immune system which can easily be done having a few special Indian foods.

Ever wondered why Indians are so active and strong without any supplements or any lifestyle coach – the answer lies in the Indian cooking recipes. The Indian cookbook shows up such ingredients used highly in most of the Indian dishes that not only built the immunity but also helps to fight against diseases. As the Coronavirus has never mutated in human beings before, there is no current solution to it and prevention is the best way. A strong immune system will not just help us with Coronavirus but also help us with the everyday bugs that exist all around us as well as pollution, contamination in food. Below are some traditional Indian foods that not only adds flavor to the Indian dishes but are also known to be anti-viral.
Garlic: Smashed garlic can be added to soup or can be eaten raw though it is generally cooked. Consuming a clove of raw garlic with a tablespoon on of raw honey is a fantastic way to boost up the immune system.
Star anise: It is a famous ingredient of Indian cuisine recipes. The flower-shaped spice contains shikimic acid, the base material for the production of Tamiflu, which is known to be used for influenza virus. Boil it in drinking water and add the water to green or black tea to intake it.
Ginger:  It is known to be one of the healthiest spices in Indian food recipes that can be used fresh, dried, powder or as an oil or juice. It can be taken raw, smashing with star anise and a tablespoon of raw honey or with hot tea. It contains gingerol in high level, which has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
Coconut oil: Few Indian dishes are cooked in pure cold-pressed coconut oil but you can also have it raw. It also contains lauric acid and caprylic acid that are essential for boosting the immune system against virus.
Anti-viral herbs: Few commonly used herbs in Indian recipes as oregano, tulsi, Sage, Fennel, rosemary are good anti-viral.
When two viruses invade the same cell i.e. an animal virus and a human virus, for instance, their DNA can combine to form a new virus, a potentially virulent the same is true if two animal viruses combine and jump species to humans. Viruses have two life cycles they are, (a) lytic cycle and (b) lysogenic cycle. In the lytic cycle, the virus focuses on reproduction by invading a cell, ending up with killing the cell, and each new viral strand invades new cells replicating the process. In the lysogenic cycle, viruses remain dormant within its host cells maybe for years as Chickenpox. Some of the coronaviruses have the capability of transmitting between animals and humans that is known as spillover event.
 As there is no specific treatment, we need to maintain the hygiene and besides that, we also have to have a strong immune system and stay hydrated as prevention is always better than cure.


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